Let`s zoom in on my first assignment

An overview what I will discuss in my next series more in depth

Previously on...

I finished up my previous series about how I started to explore the consultant side of the IT sector.

This blog post starts a new series. Below you can find a bullet list of what is used in this project. The topics on which I'll be blogging are DevOps, Analyses, Development, Acceptance Environments, Documentation and Knowledge sharing. This way, I have some structure on what I can write about next.

Through this, I want to inspire others or have discussions about why other approaches can be more beneficial.


I help deliver a project that will enable a user to signup into the customer portal using a registration system. The customer asked me to develop two Web App services that are functioning as REST APIs.

When a user signs up, he will have two options:

  • using Auth0 and ItsMe, so the user can be verified using the ItsMe app

  • using personal data with verification sent by sms or email.

Technology used


I do not have access to create pipelines and resources in Azure DevOps. However, I do function as a lead for my services so I do work closely with the DevOps persons when problems arise or information is needed.

  • All services make use of continuous integration as well as continuous development. The customer describes what branching strategy I should use.

  • The entire solution is deployed using Web App ASE on Azure.


This has already been done by the enterprise architect and the business analyst. What I did was help with:

  • Clarifications and documents to reflect what is development

  • Challenging content of access tokens

  • Challenging REST-call signatures


The setup of the solution consists of a service-oriented architecture. With some good faith, you can see some resemblance with the microservice-oriented architecture.

Acceptance Environments

The business analyst will validate the services using SoapUI and PostMan. Whenever an error occurs, extra system tests and/or unit tests are written.


The analysis needs to reflect what is going to be developed, as well as what is developed. However, I make it my mission to put as much of the documentation in swagger.

Knowledge sharing

  • Each week, there is one hour that the .Net developers on the project meet to exchange strange issues, nice discoveries and so on.

  • Using the 4 eyes principle, we can help out each other.

  • When there is some discussion where the customer does want to have some answer, I do talk to my XPirit colleagues about it. After having the discussion, I write a concise email to the customer with the problem and how we recommend approaching this.


With this post, I have mentioned a lot of technologies, architectures, and ways of working that I will explain more about in the next posts. Let me know what topic you want to know more off in this context.

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