Dive into Code: Unleashing the DotNet 6 Configuration Management

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Dive into Code: Unleashing the DotNet 6 Configuration Management

TL;DR; Exploring Configuration Sources and Dependency Injection in DotNet 6

Previously on...

Previously, in my blog post, I discussed that Dotnet 6 Configuration allowes dynamic reloading of configuration data without application restarts and supported multiple sources such as environment variables, appsettings.json, user secrets, Azure KeyVault, and command line arguments.

I emphasized the significance of proper configuration management and introduced concepts like layered configuration, sections, and different configuration sources like file-based storage, Azure Key Vault for sensitive data, and the Azure App Configuration service for centralized management.

I also mentioned the usage of the secrets.json file for sensitive values and gave a glimpse of upcoming topics such as configuration defaults, consuming configuration data, and debugging in Azure deployments.


By reading my previous post on Dotnet 6 Configuration, I can now tell how to map the theory on the practical side.

This time, the context of this post is rather short. You can read more on the how and the why in my previous post. I explained the IOptions Pattern multiple times and to help myself to give others a better understanding, I write this post.

To work with this code, I strongly suggest checking out a tool called LINQPad. That is a paid tool, but it is useful to try out snippets of code, like the ones that I offer here in my posts. My go-to tool is the open-source variant of LINQPad called RoslynPad.

Let us dive into it.

Creating an IConfiguration object

Before we continue to discuss what configurations are default loaded, it is interesting to see how I create an IConfiguration object.

The code below creates an instance of the ConfigurationBuilder class.

var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
    .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{environment}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)

var configuration = builder.Build();

The ConfigurationBuilder instance loads an application configuration from various sources: appsettings.json, appsettings.{environment}.json, environment variables, and command-line arguments.

  • The SetBasePath method sets the base path for configuration files to the current directory.

  • The AddJsonFile method loads the appsettings.json file, with the optional flag set to true (so it will not throw an exception if the file is missing), and reloadOnChange set to true (so the configuration values will be reloaded when the file changes).

  • The AddJsonFile method also loads an environment-specific appsettings.{environment}.json file, if it exists. The {environment} value is interpolated from the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT or DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

  • The AddEnvironmentVariables method loads any configuration values that are specified as environment variables.

  • The AddCommandLine method loads configuration values from command-line arguments.

It's worth noting that the code I provide, sets up configuration manually using ConfigurationBuilder. However, both HostBuilder (for console apps) and WebApplicationBuilder (for ASP.NET Core apps) automatically set up different configuration sources behind the scenes. I don't necessarily need to use ConfigurationBuilder directly in my code when using these builders.

Now we got a hands-on feeling of how I can do it manually, I am ready to explore what the HostBuilder already provides.

Default configuration sources

Only for a typical old-school Console Application, I still need to choose my configuration sources. When I build a web application or a backend service, Dotnet offers us predefined configuration sources and providers.

For a backend service: HostBuilder

The class HostBuilder automatically sets the environment to Production.This behaviour can be altered by setting the environment variable DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT. This is important to read environment-specific files e.g. appsettings.<dotnet_environment>.json.

The HostBuilder also sets the content root of the application to the base directory of the assembly.

The default configuration sources that the HostBuilder provides are in this order:

For a WebApplication

Like creating a backend service, when I create an ASP.NET Core web application, the application is configured with preconfigured configuration sources.

This is achieved through the WebApplicationBuilder. That class extends the HostBuilder to provide additional web-specific features and configurations.

The WebApplicationBuilder provides a default configuration for the app in the following order, from highest to lowest priority:

  • Command-line arguments,

  • Non-prefixed environment variables using the Non-prefixed environment variables configuration provider.

  • User secrets when the app runs in the Development environment.

  • appsettings.{Aspnetcore_Environment}.json. E.g.: appsettings.Development.json.

  • appsettings.json.

For Testing

Testing and files do not have a good relationship. I can work with different kinds of sources for testing purposes. There is an alternative: [the InMemoryCollection provider](learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/micros..). By reusing the configurationbuilder, I can add one more configuration source. This allows me to add or override configuration values using the: syntax. Because the highest layer always wins, I can override the configuration for my (integration) tests.

Let us explore more on how the syntax works when consuming the configuration.

Non-default configuration source

By default, the Azure KeyVault and the Azure AppConfiguration Service are not available. Microsoft has Nuget packages and tutorials on how to add those. More on that later.

Adding a Keyvault

The code shows the addition of the Azure Key vault as a source to a backend service when the DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT environment variable equals the value Production. Values specified in the appsettings.json, appsettings.Production.json, and environment variables will be overwritten by the values provided by the Azure Keyvault instance.

            .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, configBuilder) =>
            if (context.HostingEnvironment.IsProduction())
                    var builtConfig = configBuilder.Build();
                    var vaultName = builtConfig["KeyVault:Name"];
                    var clientId = builtConfig["KeyVault:ClientId"];
                    var clientSecret = builtConfig["KeyVault:ClientSecret"];


Adding an App Configuration Service

In this tutorial, Microsoft will provide a comprehensive guide for implementing dynamic configuration updates in an ASP.NET Core app using the App Configuration provider library. The guide emphasizes the importance of setting up the app to respond to changes in the App Configuration store and provides step-by-step instructions to achieve this. From adding a sentinel key for configuration consistency to reloading data and implementing request-driven configuration refresh,they cover all the essential aspects.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Load configuration from Azure App Configuration
builder.Configuration.AddAzureAppConfiguration(options =>
           .Select("WebApp:MySettings:*", LabelFilter.Null)
           .ConfigureRefresh(refreshOptions =>
                refreshOptions.Register("WebApp:AzureAppConfiguration:Sentinel", refreshAll: true));

var app = builder.Build();

// Use Azure App Configuration middleware for dynamic configuration refresh.

IConfiguration vs ConfigurationManager

Let me show the example with the Azure KeyVault. Before DotNet 6, when configuring the Azure Key Vault provider, it is necessary to have the URL to the key vault. That is typically something I store in the app settings. However, to use the value to connect to the key vault, I have to have access to the IConfiguration object. Note that the application is still configured, so it can be that configuration of the application is not yet complete.

I recommend watching the complete example on this link. Below I show the needed statements that illustrate the problem.

        .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>
                var builtConfig = config.Build();

                config.AddAzureKeyVault(new ... builtConfig["AzureKeyVault:Url"] ...

To access the setting AzureKeyVault:Url, I need to build the partial configuration result by calling IConfigurationBuilder.Build. From there, the required configuration values can be retrieved and used to add the remaining configuration sources.

When the application is finished setting up and ready to start, the framework will call the IConfigurationBuilder.Build implicitly to generate the final IConfigurationRoot and using that for the final app configuration.

However, the downside of this approach is that Build() has to be called twice - once to build the IConfigurationRoot uses the first sources and then again to build the IConfigurationRoot uses all the sources, including the Azure Key Vault source. This can result in messiness.

.Net 6 solved this by introducing the ConfigurationManager, which acts as a ConfigurationBuilder and implements the IConfiguration interface. Using the ConfigurationManager comes at a cost tough. Use it when needed, otherwise, use the built IConfiguration object in the program.cs

Andrew Look wrote a good post on this: Looking inside ConfigurationManager in .NET 6 (andrewlock.net)

Register the configuration

I will explain how to register the settings using the AddIOptions and the PostConfigure<> methods. Off course, I mention how to validate your settings using DataAnnotations.

The difference between the AddIOptions and the Configure<> method will be covered as well.

Dependency Injection

Dotnet 6 has support from the ground up to work with Dependency Inversion. To ensure that is enforced, Dotnet enforces you to work with a dependency container. I need to register all my settings and services in the IServiceCollection. When the application is run, I can inject the services that are registered into the container.

In my previous blog, I wrote that configuration is split into sections for easier management of the applications modules. Using the IServiceCollection and sections, I am inspired to group my configuration sections functional.

Below you will read how I can access those separate sections.

Segregate the configuration into sections

Below I show a configuration section called MySettings in the appsettings.json file.

  "MySettings": {
    "Username": "myuser",
    "Password": "mypassword",
    "MaxConnections": 10

Create a sealed record to hold the configuration data. The record properties must match the names of the configuration keys.

public class MySettings
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }
    public int MaxConnections { get; set; }

In the code below, I use the IConfiguration.GetSection() method to get a reference to the configuration section, and then use the Bind() method to bind the configuration data to an instance of the MySettings class:

var section = Configuration.GetSection("MySettings");
var mySettings = new MySettings();

After this code executes, the mySettings object will contain the values from the "MySettings" configuration section.

The Bind() method recursively binds nested configuration subsections to nested object classes.

To access that object in a class, I can opt to register it in the dependency container. However, I rather use the IOptions-pattern.

Configure a section with .AddOptions<>()

The .AddOptions<>() method combined with the IOptions<T> interface provides flexibility and features. AddOptions is an extension method on the IServiceCollection interface.

The IOptions-patterns allow me to configure individual options independently:

  • I can register multiple options classes for the same section and combine them as needed. While I can do this, I do not have a valid use case at the moment of writing.
  • Validation rules and defining default values for options are also a possibility. I use the validation to ensure that my application is started in a valid state on startup. I can achieve this by adding validation to my class by using the DataAnnotations namespace and adding validation attributes to the properties of my class.

internal sealed record MyViewOnSettings
    public string Something {get;set;}

Override your setting using .PostConfigure<>

  • I can execute post-configuration actions on the options object. That enables me dynamic modifications or custom logic based on the configured options. I use this in my Integration Tests. I noticed that people are putting their Validations inside the PostConfigure method. That has to be from the era before the IOptions pattern existed. Use the DataAnnotations or Use Validation-method with a custom delegate handler.
public sealed class WeatherForecastServerSetupFixture : WebApplicationFactory<Program>
    private Func<ITestOutputHelper?> _testoutputhelper = () => null;

    protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
        builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>

                    options =>

Difference between .Configure<> and .AddOptions<>

Behind the scenes, both Configure<TOptions>() and OptionsBuilder<TOptions>.Configure() methods end up doing the same thing by registering an instance of ConfigureNamedOptions<TOptions>.

The OptionsBuilder<TOptions>.Bind() method is equivalent to the Configure<TOptions>(IConfiguration config) method. While registering multiple implementations for the same service type provides a single instance of the latest registered dependency for that type, the options framework can work with an IEnumerable<IConfigureOptions<TOptions>> to provide all registered implementations.

The Configure<> method was available in an earlier version of DotNet Core. The AddOptions<> way of working came in a later version of DotNet. The AddOptions<>-method offers additional methods using the builder pattern, like ValidateOnStart() and ValidateDataAnnotations()

Read here for more information: Question: AddOptions<T>() vs. Multiple Configure<T>(…) · Issue #514 · dotnet/extensions (github.com)

What`s next?

In one of my upcoming posts, I will discuss how to consume the registered configuration from the dependency container.


As I made progress at the beginning of my journey with .NET Core 2.1, I came to appreciate the importance of IConfigurationBuilder. Through this, I was able to learn how to register and inject configurations into my services, allowing seamless access to settings throughout my application. I naturally divided settings into sections and found it quite effortless to configure them using .AddOptions<>. Additionally, I discovered that .PostConfigure<> enables me to override settings as needed, making my application flexible and adaptable for my tests!

However, I encountered my fair share of challenges along the way. The differences between .Configure<> and .AddOptions<> took some time to understand, and I had to understand when to use the DotNet 6 ConfigurationManager to embrace the power of instant access to settings instead of usage of IConfiguration that needs to be built first...

I performed the all-important IOptions startup validation checkup, ensuring the integrity of my configurations! This checkup gave me peace of mind, protecting my application against potential misconfigurations.

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